Policies and Procedures

Regstration Forms CLICK HERE!

1. Enrollment is open to all children without regard to race, color, creed, sex, disability or national origin. All children need to meet the following criteria:

  • Children need to be between the ages of 12 Mos - kindergarten

There is a $50.00 non refundable application fee.


The following forms are necessary to complete registration of your child:

  1. Registration Form
  2. Child’s Health History
  3. Complete record of immunizations
  4. Signed and dated consent form for child to receive emergency medical care.
  5. Fill out Authorization pick up form

Upon enrollment parents will have free access to all areas of the center by his/her child.

2. Every child must be signed in each morning in the classroom. Each classroom will have a sign in sheet that will require you to sign your FULL LEGAL SIGNATURE and note the time of your child’s arrival and departure. Under no circumstances will your child be permitted to sign themselves in or out. Every child must be accompanied by their parent upon arriving and departing the center. Adventures in Learning will only release your child to adults authorized on the authorization pick up form, unless given written authorization to release your child to another adult. Teachers and Administrators will ask for verification of identity.

3. Parking: Please use caution when driving through our parking lot. Please be sure to hold your child’s hand to and from the front door.

4. Termination: If we as a center feel we are unable to meet the specific needs of a child, we will ask the parents to seek care else where. This could occur if the child is a threat to others or self.

Adventures in Learning, Inc.
10814 NE 189TH Street Battle Ground, WA 98604 * 360-687-0185